What are To-dos and how do I use them?

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The ability to create To-dos is one of the most powerful features in your wealth portal because it allows you to create and manage tasks for yourself and your team members.

Whether the task is to submit a tax return, upload an important document, or hunt down your bank credentials, To-dos help you keep track of what needs to be done.

To-dos are part and parcel of how we manage our finances (and our lives, really!) which is why they’ve been embedded throughout your wealth portal.

You can create To-dos when you are setting up your portal for the first time, or when completing wizards, wealth items, transactions and more. They are embedded in the actions you take to better fit your workflow.

How do I create a To-do?

Creating a To-do is easy. You can find the ‘Create to-do’ button on the right hand side of actions you are taking.

For example, In Protection, you can see the ‘Add a new to-do’ option once you:

1. Open ‘Wills’

2. Select and click on the will you want

3. Click on the ‘To-dos’ tab

4. ‘Add your first to-do’ or ‘Add a new to-do’

Click on ‘Add a new To-do’ to open the To-do dialogue box.

1. Describe your To-do in 64 characters or less (10-12 words). For example, “Upload my latest will.”

2. Select which member of your team this task is for

3. Name the person responsible for completing this task

4. If required, set a reminder and choose a frequency (for example daily or monthly)

5. Last but not least, select a due date

Note: You can set To-dos for yourself or any member of your team. To see who is in your team, navigate to the Team area of your wealth portal.

And that’s it! Your To-do will be saved and can be found under Goals as well as under the relevant area of your wealth portal (i.e. “Upload my latest will” in the example above would be found in protection.  If you created a To-do under Docs, you’ll be able to find it there).

Below, you can see the portal To-dos in the Goals tab.

Where can I see a list of all my To-dos?

The To-do command centre is in the Goals  section of your portal.

From there, you can:

-Create new To-dos

-View a list of current and past To-dos

-Check the deadline and status of To-dos